las artes

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Last but not least...

At last, we are at the end of semester 4. I had learn lots of new things that I think I wont be able to learn it if I’m not taking this course. For instance, I had experience watching a theater, and of course it is such a golden moment for me and my other friends. Besides that, is gives me the opportunity to have my own “blog” which I think I never will have it for the rest of my life.
Talking about the play that we had learnt, it actually enhances my knowledge about the real world of literature. It is such an interesting world where the people living there think and view something in a very different way.
At the beginning, many of us facing a big problem in dealing with those plays. Luckily we managed to handle it after several weeks with the help of our respected lecturer. For me, the major problem is that we are not able to understand the language that being used and thus, makes us hard to interpret its meaning. The more we do not understand, the more we felt bored and lost.
However, when there is a will, there must be a way. There is no single way of learning and it actually depends on us how to deal with the difficulties. In short, what I want to say is that learning literature is very challenging but it is full with exciting.

Monday, April 03, 2006

The unexpected homecoming i think....

On 26th March, for the first time in my life, I went to KL Pac (Kuala Lumpur Performing Art Centre) to watch a play entitle The Homecoming by Harold Pinter. I never experienced watching any play before and thus, it makes me eager and exited to go there. The title “The Homecoming” and its tag line “Keep It In The Family” seems to bring two different meanings to me. Homecoming basically connected to happiest moment and every one wanted to share it with others. But then, in this play, they wanted to keep it in the family. What actually they wanted to keep? This play left me with lots of questions. Why they did this? What makes they do that? And so on. In fact, me and my other course mate whose went there together actually discussed some of the issues that the playwright tried to tell the audience. We come out with different opinions, different judgment, and different views. Thus, it makes me realize that not a single people be in the same mind.
Well, it is a good play I guess. As I never been to any play before, so I’m not good in judging a play. I look forward to go to other play coming out as it gives me lots of memorable experiences which is totally different when watching movies and so on.