las artes

Monday, February 27, 2006

Shakespeare Wallah?

Did you guys enjoy watching it? After watched The Reduced Shakespeare Company, I thought this play going to be as enjoyable as it. But then, it happened reversely. Shakespeare Wallah really makes me bored. The play took about three hours and I did fall asleep actually. For the first one hour, I tried to focused and gave my fully attention to that play. However, the more I tried to focus, the more I became lost. I didn’t say that I don’t understand the whole play. It’s just a matter of bored and bored…. So, as it doesn’t attract me at all, nothing much to say about it. That’s all….

Friday, February 24, 2006

Fantastic Show!

When I heard Shakespeare, the first word that comes across my mind is boredom. Unfortunately, this semester requires me to watch several Shakespearean plays for instance Macbeth, Shakespeare Wallah, Pygmalion, and some other more. On last Thursday, we had watched The Reduced Shakespeare Company and for me it is a very remarkable play. We are laughing a lot and we actually did not stop laughing through the end of the play. In short, we enjoy so much watching that play. I really respect their creativity in presenting selected Shakespearean play in one shot. In fact, it is not an easy task but they manage to perform it well. Even though I haven’t read some of the play, but still I am able to understand. This play had changed my perspective towards Shakespearean play. All his works actually bring its own significant message to present to the audience. It’s a bit hard for me to understand those plays because of the language that had been used. If the language can be changed to modern language, I’m sure it is not a problem anymore for me to enjoy reading and watching that play.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Simulated teaching....

Last semester I had a terrible experience of simulated teaching. That makes me terrified to face it again this semester. I didn’t have any confidence at all. But then, no matter what happens, I can’t escape from finishing this task. Sometimes, I blame myself for not having enough preparation before done the simulated teaching. I knew that I am not fluent in talking in English but still I refuse to practice it in daily conversation. It actually can help me to improve my fluency a lot. Not because I can not speak at all but afraid people will laugh at me if I do speak incorrect English. In doing simulated teaching, it needs me to speak proper English, no grammatical mistake, correct pronunciation, good communication skills in dealing with students and some other requirement that one teacher must have. The most afraid part is the set induction. The activity that will be carried out must be relevant to the topic that students will learn during the lesson. As I have no experience in teaching at all, it is a bit hard for me to come out with such interesting and suitable activities to the students. For me, of course I think that my activity is already good enough but actually it does have a mistake. While I’m doing my simulated teaching, the lecturer will interrupt if I had done a mistake and telling me the right thing that I should and shouldn’t do. The same thing happens to my other course mate. From that, I learn a lot and I am on my way to improve myself in performing a better simulated teaching. It is a good start to train a future teacher like us. We have the knowledge but we didn’t know the right way to present it to the students so that it will make sense to them. Otherwise, we are actually giving the students the nonsense things.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

King of Britain...we meet again

This week we are going to learn about King Lear….Oh God! It suddenly reminds me the moment our ELS club decided to perform this play. It was actually a very tough and demanding task for us, the fresh TESL students and more the first batch running this course in that college. At first we take it as a challenged. We had divided the task to all the students and the actors actually started practicing their scripts. For the actors, for sure they do read the text but for those who are not, they just don’t bother about it. But unfortunately, due to certain reasons, we come to a decision to cancel the performance. Sayonara to King Lear…
Now, comes the year 2006. I don’t ever think that again I’ll meet King Lear and this time it needs me to learn it in depth! How lucky I am if I read the play at that time (Actually, I am one of those who don’t take notice on that play). During my mid semester break last week, I take this chance to read King Lear. At the beginning, I can cope with the story’s plot but somehow, I seem lost and lost and lost…It’s quite hard to deal with this play. So I close the book and start to read the summary, hoping that it can help me to understand the play better. And of course, it really helped and makes my task easier. By reading the summary, I manage to comprehend what was the story is all about. It is such a remarkable play with the plot and sub-plot joining together to build the reader’s interest. At this time I am on my way reading that book and hopefully be able to finish it soon…