las artes

Friday, January 06, 2006

oedipus and antigone

Both of the stories are really great!!!! At first i thought it would be uninteresting at all. But then, after read it, it is actually out of the ordinary. If i were given a chance to watch those plays, i really wanted to go. I never watch any play at the theatre. But I am eager to have an experience being in the theatre hall, and watch the people acting. I'm sure that it will be one of the most memorable moment that i ever had! Earlier, I hate literature. But as I had joining this course for almost 4 years, indirectly it changed my interest. I view literature in different perspective. In some way, it even change the way I’m thinking as before, for me black will never be white. In literature, nothing is always right or it will always be wrong. We got the right to judge it based on the way we view the world.


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